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Monday, May 11, 2009

You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.

I was posting a comment on a just a minute ago and after hitting submit I got the following note "You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down."

This was a comment on a commentluv -

I have been posting comments this week but none in the last 2 days? None today, of course? I am not sure if I should take this seriously? Have any of you had this message before?
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Your IP might have been flagged by askimet
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Even commentluv seems to be doing some 'banning' nowadays. So just be careful and if you see a blank screen after commenting go here
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I have not encountered
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you don't have to comment on the same website
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same IP problem some one commented on that before one or two minutes
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I've never had a message like that appear
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It could just be a small problem with your IP. Just try again later.
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Yes, I have encountered it 3-4 times in the past.

But, only when I tried to post in a short span
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interesting post. I went to the site and read the article.

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